2009年1月20日 星期二

Taiwan, our Country, Ascent (證道台灣國)

作者 台灣大地文教基金會董事長 楊緒東 Translated by Leo

The Heaven willed cataclysm and fears grew among the evil ones.

Those with integrity shall pray many a time.

Face the Divine Taiwanese Spirits with our conscientious mind,

And make all worries uncalled-for, in this uncertain time.

Together with Our Lord’s Light and Love, Taiwanese Gods’ Kingdom Come,

Welcomes and beckons you to come.

From the bleedings and sacrifices of Mount Zion’s New Testament Church,

With the grit of wagering their lives,

The Lord hath given them their Land of Joy.

Lo! The Holy War of Taiwanese Martyred Spirits had begun!

Our hope of nation building in our Holy Mountain rests.

As long as we remain zest,

Our Lord’s Light sun afresh upon us.
The Martyred Spirits of February 28th shall be with you and us.

(Translated by Leo)

Extended Reading:
