2008年8月19日 星期二

To Open the Classic with Clear Principles (開經明義)

Taiwanese Spirits T'aishang Scripture (台灣英靈太上真經)

This true classic conforms to the Heavenly Principles; turns the Dharmic Wheel with the Origin Destiny. Its bestowment upon humanity is to warn Taiwan, P’eng Lai, that Heaven’s Principles are apparent, that right and wrong are clearly differentiated. For every one of Our Taiwanese children and people shall practice this classic with self-discipline and self-discretion, to jointly create Taiwanese people’s future. Taiwanese people must walk the Taiwanese way. Therefore, those who recognize and concur with Taiwan, and willingly dedicate themselves to be with Taiwan through life and death, shall obtain Our blessings, shall possess Heaven’s Mandate into eternity, and their descendents’ fortune shall be prosperous and glorious.
The February 28th Movement Taiwanese Martyred Spirits Providentially spoken as ofA.D. 2004 February 28th
